The Marathon Year - Bullhorn

The Marathon Year

The Marathon Year

The year of marathons. One of us ran a real one, and the rest of us learned the benefits of navigating longer partnerships — not unlike marathons — with confidence. Bullhorn turned 14 this year, and despite the teen number in our age, we have developed a maturity that comes with experience. And whoever said quality over quantity was right. This year we hit a new and different stride that felt both comfortable and challenging.

We named two companies, five products, two startups, one school, and a soccer team. We added two new team members and spent more in-person time together planning. We started new schools, twisted our ankles, and traveled the world. We added another baby and, more than likely, more cats to the mix. We shipped nearly 20 websites and 100 mix-tape love letters. We saw our headlines on cookies and our colors in mixed drinks. We got better about not tossing our clothes in landfills and discovered that a wyvern may or may not be our spirit animal. We tried hard things and failed. We tried hard things and succeeded. We got better at the long game. At relying on expert partners and helping others solve new and different challenges.

We found our new stride.

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