Jackson Warewashing - Bullhorn

Jackson Warewashing: Commercial Dishwasher Manufacturer

Jackson Warewashing

The story of Barbourville is like many in Eastern Kentucky. A small town at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains, it had seen the rise and decline of industries, leaving its people at the mercy of corporate whims. But that is just one half of the story. Barbourville is also home to Jackson Warewashing Systems, the third largest commercial dishwasher manufacturer in the nation. Jackson engaged Bullhorn to tell its story—but not as a shining city on a hill, providing opportunities in an opportunity-poor area. Instead, Jackson wanted to celebrate the workers that made it the heart of the Barbourville economy.

Spotlighting the features that made Jackson products unparalleled in their class would not have been enough. Nor would have waxing poetic about the discipline and passion of workers. Instead, we developed a video campaign to bring viewers into the Jackson warehouse itself, allowing them to see the hard work of Barbourville residents directly. What struck us most was the pride with which they worked. “There’s not a lot of stuff that’s made in America much anymore,” one says in the video. To further highlight this, we crafted print portraits and profiles to introduce customers to the workers who build their products—right here, in Kentucky.

Jackson WarewashingJackson WarewashingJackson WarewashingJackson Warewashing

Scope of Work
Brand Strategy
Ad Campaign
Photo Art Direction
Video Production